
What can a drone do for your company?

With our state-of-art drone technology, we can gather information quicker, safer, cheaper and better than ever before.


  • Create topographic maps to view elevation changes
  • Time-laps structures, growth of crops, etc.
  • Stitched together images for an accurate overview of entire field. This image makes it easier to see a entire areas where crops are struggling, where water is pooling, take accurate measurements of field size or of any other object, calculate the volume and area of a pile of hay, and many more.


No matter the structure you’re building, it costs time and money. With a drone in the construction industry, we can:

  • Capture High Altitude photos and videos
  • Capture Time-lapse photos that will monitor construction progress
  • Perform safety inspections in hard-to-reach places
  • Get panoramic photos to show the entirety of the project in one shot
  • Provide you with the materials to show your investors how the project is coming along


Every industry likes to have pictures and video of their local area. Drones can show a town, or popular nearby attractions, better than a handheld camera. Lets bring more business to you and the locals.


Whether it be roofs, powerlines, or any other structure, our 4k video and high-quality photos can ensure you get the information you need quickly, accurately, and more safely than by climbing up in person. Many companies have saved a lot of money in insurance spending by using a drone. It may not be as cinematic, but don’t be fooled, it’s a powerful tool.

Below are pictures of a roof inspection. You can see that the tiles have a little bit of lift and look a little bit aged, the pipe jack is on the front side, and a little bit of rusting on the vents.

Below you can see a gutter inspection. As you can tell the gutters could use a little bit of a cleaning.

Are you ready to find out how a drone can used to help you in virtually every aspect of your business?

I’m currently offering ONE FREE job to any company who feels they can benefit. Why, you ask? Because you shouldn’t have to pay to realize the value a drone can add to your business. Contact us to begin the process.